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Product FeaturesDefaqto Benchmark Criteria<P><FONT size=2 face=Arial>The benchmark levels for each feature have been selected by Defaqto, an independent financial research company specialising in rating, comparing and analysing financial products. The levels selected do not represent accepted industry benchmarks or standards.</FONT></P>
Home Insurance
If your home cannot be lived in due to any insured loss or damage, cover is provided towards the costs that may arise from alternative accommodation. In general, most providers can offer cover up to a percentage of the sum insured as the maximum amount they will pay. For example, if the buildings sum insured is £100,000 and the insurer provides 10% of the buildings sum insured, then the maximum payable for this cover would be £10,000. We provide cover for alternative accommodation for up 3 years but no more than £150,000. Alternative Accommodation£75,000 or more
A repair guarantee is typically given for repairs that have been completed through a provider’s approved repairer network, although the length of the guarantee can vary. We provide a 3 year guarantee to repairs completed by our approved contractor network.Repairs Guarantee Period36 months or more
Cover is available as an optional extension, towards the cost of any emergency repairs needed, following a home emergency such as a central heating failure.Home Emergency Cover Optional
We provide a maximum indemnity limit of up to £1,000 towards the costs of tradesmen’s call out charges, labour and any materials that are necessary.Home Emergency - Maximum Limit£1,000 or more
The cover that is provided under Buildings insurance is usually “specified perils” which covers damage to your buildings caused by perils such as Fire, Smoke Lightning, Explosion, Theft or Attempted Theft, Storm or Flood and Subsidence. We provide “All Risks” cover which means that we cover your buildings against any physical loss or damage, subject to the policy exclusions.Cover BasisAll risks
This provides cover for damage caused by accident. We define an accident as something which happens suddenly, is unexpected and is either unintentional or has unintended consequences – such being in the loft and accidentally putting your foot through the ceiling. It covers accidents caused by anyone insured by this policy and by third parties. It applies to your building and contents (if you have taken out contents insurance with us.)Buildings - Accidental DamageStandard
Cover is provided as standard for damage caused by burst pipes as a result of frost or freezing.Burst PipesYes
If your sewer pipe becomes blocked and needs to be cleared, then the cost of breaking into, removing the blockage and repairing the pipe is covered. Not all providers offer this cover and some will only include cover if you have taken the optional ‘accidental damage’ extension. Our policy provides cover for breakage of sewer pipes as standard.Blockage of Sewer PipeStandard
Sum Insured Protection reflects how your buildings sum insured is protected. For example, some providers apply 'index linking' to the sum insured, whilst others will include a high sum insured of £500,000 or more. Your Hiscox policy provides an “unlimited” sum insured so you can be sure that your buildings are fully protected.Sum Insured Protection£500,000 or more
Cover is provided towards the costs of repairing accidental damage to underground services (such as service pipes, underground cables, pipes, drains, inspection covers or underground sewage tanks) which service the home and for which you are legally responsible.Underground Servicesstandard
If there is a leak in your home which causes damage to your buildings, or a leak from the underground services pipes, then the cost of tracing and accessing the leak will be covered. We provide £15,000 of cover for the costs of tracing and repairing a water or fuel leak within your home and making good any damage caused by these repairs. We also cover water leaks from the underground service pipes serving your home up to £10,000.Trace and Access£10,000 or more
We will contribute towards the costs of replacing or changing undamaged items or parts of items which belong to a set or a suite. Where this is available, most providers will restrict the amount which contributed to around 50% of the cost, we do not apply any type of restriction.Matching Items Coverfull
Cover is provided against any claims for damages due to an accident which causes bodily injury or physical damage to property for which you are liable as the owner or occupier of the buildings. We provide £5 million of cover as standard.Public Liability£5m or more
Unlike other providers, if you wish to pay your premium in monthly instalments we do not apply a direct debit fee. Direct Debit Mandate Free of Chargeyes
Unlike other providers, we will allow the property to be unoccupied for up to 60 days before applying conditions.Unoccupancy Period60 days or more

01 April 2025